Bills Passed

Robin is making positive changes to her district by championing legislation that improves educational resources and expands healthcare access. Her efforts have led to the successful passage of bills that address critical community needs and promote overall well-being.

Miya's Law

This bill was named in honor of Miya Marcano, a 19-year-old college student who was killed in her Orlando apartment.
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Flood Control

After Tropical Storm Eta and the flooding that occurred in our community, I met with SFWMD and the SBDD...
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Statewide Flooding & Sea Level Rise Resilience

Tropical Storm Eta flooded our district and inundated our water management...
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Serena's Law

Representative Persons-Mulicka (R) of Fort Myers and I introduced House Bill 1229 to protect children.
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Florida KidCare Eligibility 

Many working families in Florida are struggling every day to put a roof over their heads, pay for childcare...
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Pre-K Retention

CS/SB 290, Public School Student Progression for Students with Disabilities, came about after I met with...
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Florida Retirement System

The Florida Retirement System (FRS) is a multiple-employer, contributory plan...
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Unlawful Dumping

This new law prohibits a person from dumping litter in or on any water control district property or canal right-of-way. 
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Lights on the Display of a Fire Dept. 463

Every first responder deserves to come home safely to their families at the end...
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Mobile Response Teams

SB 7016 was signed into law and is designed to bolster Florida’s healthcare workforce, increase access to care...
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Lethality Assessments for Domestic Violence Victims

The Protection of Children and Victims...
Read More

Health Disparities

HB 855 brough greater transparency to Florida’s Medicaid program. This law ensures that our tax dollars are spent...
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Drainage improvements

Robin secured almost $1 million for a new pump station in Pembroke Pines...
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Miya's Law

This bill was named in honor of Miya Marcano, a 19-year-old college student who was killed in her Orlando apartment.
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Flood Control

After Tropical Storm Eta and the flooding that occurred in our community, I met with SFWMD and the SBDD...
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Statewide Flooding & Sea Level Rise Resilience

Tropical Storm Eta flooded our district and inundated our water management...
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Serena's Law

Representative Persons-Mulicka (R) of Fort Myers and I introduced House Bill 1229 to protect children.
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Florida KidCare Eligibility 

Many working families in Florida are struggling every day to put a roof over their heads, pay for childcare...
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Pre-K Retention

CS/SB 290, Public School Student Progression for Students with Disabilities, came about after I met with...
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Florida Retirement System

The Florida Retirement System (FRS) is a multiple-employer, contributory plan...
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Unlawful Dumping

This new law prohibits a person from dumping litter in or on any water control district property or canal right-of-way. 
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Lights on the display of a fire dept. 463

Every first responder deserves to come home safely to their families at the end...
Read More

Mobile Response Teams

SB 7016 was signed into law and is designed to bolster Florida’s healthcare workforce, increase access to care...
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Lethality Assessments for Domestic Violance Victims

The Protection of Children and Victims...
Read More

Health Disparities

HB 855 brough greater transparency to Florida’s Medicaid program. This law ensures that our tax dollars are spent...
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Drainage improvements

Robin secured almost $1 million for a new pump station in Pembroke Pines...
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Miya's Law

This bill was named in honor of Miya Marcano, a 19-year-old college student who was killed in her Orlando apartment. Miya was a graduate of Flanagan High School in Pembroke Pines. The alleged killer was a maintenance worker who used a master key to enter her unit, kidnap her and murder her. Despite having a criminal background including a felony, he was given a master key with access to hundreds of college students' apartments.  Miya's parents wanted to ensure that would never happen to another family and we worked together to create this Tenant Safety Legislation. Miya’s law expands safety measures for the 2 million renters across our state. It includes extending the time of notice that a maintenance worker can enter an apartment from 12 to 24 hours, requiring apartment complexes to run background checks on employees who have access to a tenant’s home, as well as directing apartment complexes to establish policies for the issuance and return of all master keys including maintaining a log of employees who enter a unit. Another provision of the bill aims to curb human trafficking and prohibits public lodging establishments from charging hourly rates. This law creates common sense provisions that will create a greater sense of security for Florida's renters. This bill was signed into law in 2022.

Miya's Law

This bill was named in honor of Miya Marcano, a 19-year-old college student who was killed in her Orlando apartment.
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Flood Control

After Tropical Storm Eta and the flooding that occurred in our community, I met with SFWMD and the SBDD...
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Statewide Flooding & Sea Level Rise Resilience

Tropical Storm Eta flooded our district and inundated our water management...
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Serena's Law

Representative Persons-Mulicka (R) of Fort Myers and I introduced House Bill 1229 to protect children.
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Florida KidCare Eligibility 

Many working families in Florida are struggling every day to put a roof over their heads, pay for childcare...
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Pre-K Retention

CS/SB 290, Public School Student Progression for Students with Disabilities, came about after I met with...
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Florida Retirement System

The Florida Retirement System (FRS) is a multiple-employer, contributory plan...
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Unlawful Dumping

This new law prohibits a person from dumping litter in or on any water control district property or canal right-of-way. 
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Lights on the display of a fire dept. 463

Every first responder deserves to come home safely to their families at the end...
Read More

Mobile Response Teams

SB 7016 was signed into law and is designed to bolster Florida’s healthcare workforce, increase access to care...
Read More

Lethality Assessments for Domestic Violance Victims

The Protection of Children and Victims...
Read More

Health Disparities

HB 855 brough greater transparency to Florida’s Medicaid program. This law ensures that our tax dollars are spent...
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Drainage improvements

Robin secured almost $1 million for a new pump station in Pembroke Pines...
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Flood Control

After Tropical Storm Eta and the flooding that occurred in our community, I met with SFWMD and the SBDD to determine what could be done to protect our community. This legislation accelerates upgrades to South Florida’s aging flood control system and is backed by $2 million to expedite the study of the Central and Southern Florida (C&SF) Flood Control Project. The C&SF is the backbone of South Florida’s flood protection. It is a 70 year old system of canals, drainage pumps, and gates which protect South Florida's 11 million residents, its economy, the freshwater aquifer, and the Everglades. This system is under serious stress due to sea level rise and increased flooding.

HB 513, signed into law in 2022, created a system of accountability to ensure the flood control system's needs are met. Southeast Florida makes up over 1/3 of Florida’s economy. If our flood management systems are not maintained, jobs will be lost and vital tourism will decline. This bill was a priority of both Miami Dade and Broward County. That is why I worked across the aisle with Senator Ana Maria Rodriguez (R) and Representative Demi Busatta Cabrera to create legislation that will set the foundation for a stronger, more resilient Florida.

Miya's Law

This bill was named in honor of Miya Marcano, a 19-year-old college student who was killed in her Orlando apartment.
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Flood Control

After Tropical Storm Eta and the flooding that occurred in our community, I met with SFWMD and the SBDD...
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Statewide Flooding & Sea Level Rise Resilience

Tropical Storm Eta flooded our district and inundated our water management...
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Serena's Law

Representative Persons-Mulicka (R) of Fort Myers and I introduced House Bill 1229 to protect children.
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Florida KidCare Eligibility 

Many working families in Florida are struggling every day to put a roof over their heads, pay for childcare...
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Pre-K Retention

CS/SB 290, Public School Student Progression for Students with Disabilities, came about after I met with...
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Florida Retirement System

The Florida Retirement System (FRS) is a multiple-employer, contributory plan...
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Unlawful Dumping

This new law prohibits a person from dumping litter in or on any water control district property or canal right-of-way. 
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Lights on the display of a fire dept. 463

Every first responder deserves to come home safely to their families at the end...
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Mobile Response Teams

SB 7016 was signed into law and is designed to bolster Florida’s healthcare workforce, increase access to care...
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Lethality Assessments for Domestic Violance Victims

The Protection of Children and Victims...
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Health Disparities

HB 855 brough greater transparency to Florida’s Medicaid program. This law ensures that our tax dollars are spent...
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Drainage improvements

Robin secured almost $1 million for a new pump station in Pembroke Pines...
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Health Disparities

HB 855 brough greater transparency to Florida’s Medicaid program. This law ensures that our tax dollars are spent efficiently and effectively. HB 855 directed Medicaid programs to collect data including age, race, ethnicity, sex, and disability in order to address health care disparities and to ensure patients’ needs are met. The pandemic emphasized the significant healthcare inequalities across the nation and this legislation works to close that gap by ensuring Floridians will have better access to high quality healthcare.

Miya's Law

This bill was named in honor of Miya Marcano, a 19-year-old college student who was killed in her Orlando apartment.
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Flood Control

After Tropical Storm Eta and the flooding that occurred in our community, I met with SFWMD and the SBDD...
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Statewide Flooding & Sea Level Rise Resilience

Tropical Storm Eta flooded our district and inundated our water management...
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Serena's Law

Representative Persons-Mulicka (R) of Fort Myers and I introduced House Bill 1229 to protect children.
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Florida KidCare Eligibility 

Many working families in Florida are struggling every day to put a roof over their heads, pay for childcare...
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Pre-K Retention

CS/SB 290, Public School Student Progression for Students with Disabilities, came about after I met with...
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Florida Retirement System

The Florida Retirement System (FRS) is a multiple-employer, contributory plan...
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Unlawful Dumping

This new law prohibits a person from dumping litter in or on any water control district property or canal right-of-way. 
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Lights on the display of a fire dept. 463

Every first responder deserves to come home safely to their families at the end...
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Mobile Response Teams

SB 7016 was signed into law and is designed to bolster Florida’s healthcare workforce, increase access to care...
Read More

Lethality Assessments for Domestic Violance Victims

The Protection of Children and Victims...
Read More

Health Disparities

HB 855 brough greater transparency to Florida’s Medicaid program. This law ensures that our tax dollars are spent...
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Drainage improvements

Robin secured almost $1 million for a new pump station in Pembroke Pines...
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Statewide Flooding & Sea Level Rise Resilience

Tropical Storm Eta flooded our district and inundated our water management infrastructure, trapping many of us in our homes. This event made flood mitigation one of my top priorities. House Bill 901 required the State to perform a statewide assessment of future expenditures by federal, state, and local governments to address both inland and coastal flooding and ensure fiscally responsible decisions are made. I am proud to say HB 901 was enrolled into Representative Busata Cabrera's House Bill 7019, Statewide Flooding and Sea Level Rise Resilience and was signed into law in 2021.

Miya's Law

This bill was named in honor of Miya Marcano, a 19-year-old college student who was killed in her Orlando apartment.
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Flood Control

After Tropical Storm Eta and the flooding that occurred in our community, I met with SFWMD and the SBDD...
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Statewide Flooding & Sea Level Rise Resilience

Tropical Storm Eta flooded our district and inundated our water management...
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Serena's Law

Representative Persons-Mulicka (R) of Fort Myers and I introduced House Bill 1229 to protect children.
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Florida KidCare Eligibility 

Many working families in Florida are struggling every day to put a roof over their heads, pay for childcare...
Read More

Pre-K Retention

CS/SB 290, Public School Student Progression for Students with Disabilities, came about after I met with...
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Florida Retirement System

The Florida Retirement System (FRS) is a multiple-employer, contributory plan...
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Unlawful Dumping

This new law prohibits a person from dumping litter in or on any water control district property or canal right-of-way. 
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Lights on the display of a fire dept. 463

Every first responder deserves to come home safely to their families at the end...
Read More

Mobile Response Teams

SB 7016 was signed into law and is designed to bolster Florida’s healthcare workforce, increase access to care...
Read More

Lethality Assessments for Domestic Violance Victims

The Protection of Children and Victims...
Read More

Health Disparities

HB 855 brough greater transparency to Florida’s Medicaid program. This law ensures that our tax dollars are spent...
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Drainage improvements

Robin secured almost $1 million for a new pump station in Pembroke Pines...
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Serena's Law

Representative Persons-Mulicka (R) of Fort Myers and I introduced House Bill 1229 to protect children. This bill was signed into law in 2021. It closes a loophole that protected the identity of adults whom an injunction for the protection of a minor has been entered. Now, employers, such as school administrators and summer camps, can search for the identity of the respondent in these matters.

Miya's Law

This bill was named in honor of Miya Marcano, a 19-year-old college student who was killed in her Orlando apartment.
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Flood Control

After Tropical Storm Eta and the flooding that occurred in our community, I met with SFWMD and the SBDD...
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Statewide Flooding & Sea Level Rise Resilience

Tropical Storm Eta flooded our district and inundated our water management...
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Serena's Law

Representative Persons-Mulicka (R) of Fort Myers and I introduced House Bill 1229 to protect children.
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Florida KidCare Eligibility 

Many working families in Florida are struggling every day to put a roof over their heads, pay for childcare...
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Pre-K Retention

CS/SB 290, Public School Student Progression for Students with Disabilities, came about after I met with...
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Florida Retirement System

The Florida Retirement System (FRS) is a multiple-employer, contributory plan...
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Unlawful Dumping

This new law prohibits a person from dumping litter in or on any water control district property or canal right-of-way. 
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Lights on the display of a fire dept. 463

Every first responder deserves to come home safely to their families at the end...
Read More

Mobile Response Teams

SB 7016 was signed into law and is designed to bolster Florida’s healthcare workforce, increase access to care...
Read More

Lethality Assessments for Domestic Violance Victims

The Protection of Children and Victims...
Read More

Health Disparities

HB 855 brough greater transparency to Florida’s Medicaid program. This law ensures that our tax dollars are spent...
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Drainage improvements

Robin secured almost $1 million for a new pump station in Pembroke Pines...
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Florida KidCare Eligibility 

Many working families in Florida are struggling every day to put a roof over their heads, pay for childcare and put food on the table. They are also struggling to afford health care for their children, their most precious asset. After three years of working to ensure our families have access to affordable health care insurance, HB 121 was signed into law in 2022. The legislation increases eligibility for the subsidized KidCare Health Insurance Program from 200% to 300% of the federal poverty level (FPL). The law requires the Florida Healthy Kids Corporation to establish new monthly premiums in three to six income-based tiers. The existing system abruptly ends benefits when a family earns a few extra dollars by virtue of an employment promotion or pay raise. I believe this is devastating for families, especially for those that have children with chronic health conditions. This law creates a glide path with different premium tiers so that as families make more money, they will pay more money for their health insurance.

As Speaker Renner said on opening day, “No family should have to choose between a raise or health care for their children."

This law is projected to help over 77,000 families in just its first year and hundreds of thousands of families in the years to come. This bipartisan bill proves that the House is committed to keeping Florida's children healthy. 

Miya's Law

This bill was named in honor of Miya Marcano, a 19-year-old college student who was killed in her Orlando apartment.
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Flood Control

After Tropical Storm Eta and the flooding that occurred in our community, I met with SFWMD and the SBDD...
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Statewide Flooding & Sea Level Rise Resilience

Tropical Storm Eta flooded our district and inundated our water management...
Read More

Serena's Law

Representative Persons-Mulicka (R) of Fort Myers and I introduced House Bill 1229 to protect children.
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Florida KidCare Eligibility 

Many working families in Florida are struggling every day to put a roof over their heads, pay for childcare...
Read More

Pre-K Retention

CS/SB 290, Public School Student Progression for Students with Disabilities, came about after I met with...
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Florida Retirement System

The Florida Retirement System (FRS) is a multiple-employer, contributory plan...
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Unlawful Dumping

This new law prohibits a person from dumping litter in or on any water control district property or canal right-of-way. 
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Lights on the display of a fire dept. 463

Every first responder deserves to come home safely to their families at the end...
Read More

Mobile Response Teams

SB 7016 was signed into law and is designed to bolster Florida’s healthcare workforce, increase access to care...
Read More

Lethality Assessments for Domestic Violance Victims

The Protection of Children and Victims...
Read More

Health Disparities

HB 855 brough greater transparency to Florida’s Medicaid program. This law ensures that our tax dollars are spent...
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Drainage improvements

Robin secured almost $1 million for a new pump station in Pembroke Pines...
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Pre-K Retention

CS/SB 290, Public School Student Progression for Students with Disabilities, came about after I met with the mother of Ana, a student with Down Syndrome. Ana's mother focuses on her abilities and works to ensure that she reaches her full potential. This law, passed in 2023, will help students like Ana and will ensure parents have the ability to make the best educational decisions for their children.

Parents of students with disabilities are faced with a tough choice when their student moves to kindergarten. Many students do not have the prerequisite skills needed to be successful. This bill changes the student progression plan to allow a retention in ESE Pre-K to count towards a good cause exemption thus the child will avoid having to be retained a second year before the fourth grade. It empowers parents to make the best decision for their child as many students can benefit from an extra year in ESE Pre-K to set a strong foundation. Both legislative chambers passed this bill unanimously. 

Miya's Law

This bill was named in honor of Miya Marcano, a 19-year-old college student who was killed in her Orlando apartment.
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Flood Control

After Tropical Storm Eta and the flooding that occurred in our community, I met with SFWMD and the SBDD...
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Statewide Flooding & Sea Level Rise Resilience

Tropical Storm Eta flooded our district and inundated our water management...
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Serena's Law

Representative Persons-Mulicka (R) of Fort Myers and I introduced House Bill 1229 to protect children.
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Florida KidCare Eligibility 

Many working families in Florida are struggling every day to put a roof over their heads, pay for childcare...
Read More

Pre-K Retention

CS/SB 290, Public School Student Progression for Students with Disabilities, came about after I met with...
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Florida Retirement System

The Florida Retirement System (FRS) is a multiple-employer, contributory plan...
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Unlawful Dumping

This new law prohibits a person from dumping litter in or on any water control district property or canal right-of-way. 
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Lights on the display of a fire dept. 463

Every first responder deserves to come home safely to their families at the end...
Read More

Mobile Response Teams

SB 7016 was signed into law and is designed to bolster Florida’s healthcare workforce, increase access to care...
Read More

Lethality Assessments for Domestic Violance Victims

The Protection of Children and Victims...
Read More

Health Disparities

HB 855 brough greater transparency to Florida’s Medicaid program. This law ensures that our tax dollars are spent...
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Drainage improvements

Robin secured almost $1 million for a new pump station in Pembroke Pines...
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Florida Retirement System

The Florida Retirement System (FRS) is a multiple-employer, contributory plan that provides retirement income benefits for employees of state and county government agencies. Many teachers, law enforcement, and other FRS retirees wish to give back to their community and volunteer upon their retirement. Community service is in their blood. Many look forward to giving back to their community by serving as guardians ad litem or by volunteering in their grandchildren's classroom. There are several law enforcement officers who want to volunteer with K-9 dogs and for reserve officer programs. The Department of Management Services' rule was not clear, and retirees were afraid to volunteer because they are threatened with the loss of their pension if they do so. This law (passed in 2023) gives them the opportunity to do so without the risk of losing their benefits.

CS/CS/HB 1121 authorizes an FRS employer to establish a post-employment volunteer program that allows retirees to provide civic, charitable, and humanitarian services during their first year of retirement without violating the provisions of the law requiring termination from employment to enjoy retirement benefits. The bill specifies the criteria in which the volunteer program must operate so that each retiree and the FRS program remain in compliance with Internal Revenue Service regulations.

Miya's Law

This bill was named in honor of Miya Marcano, a 19-year-old college student who was killed in her Orlando apartment.
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Flood Control

After Tropical Storm Eta and the flooding that occurred in our community, I met with SFWMD and the SBDD...
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Statewide Flooding & Sea Level Rise Resilience

Tropical Storm Eta flooded our district and inundated our water management...
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Serena's Law

Representative Persons-Mulicka (R) of Fort Myers and I introduced House Bill 1229 to protect children.
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Florida KidCare Eligibility 

Many working families in Florida are struggling every day to put a roof over their heads, pay for childcare...
Read More

Pre-K Retention

CS/SB 290, Public School Student Progression for Students with Disabilities, came about after I met with...
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Florida Retirement System

The Florida Retirement System (FRS) is a multiple-employer, contributory plan...
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Unlawful Dumping

This new law prohibits a person from dumping litter in or on any water control district property or canal right-of-way. 
Read More

Lights on the display of a fire dept. 463

Every first responder deserves to come home safely to their families at the end...
Read More

Mobile Response Teams

SB 7016 was signed into law and is designed to bolster Florida’s healthcare workforce, increase access to care...
Read More

Lethality Assessments for Domestic Violance Victims

The Protection of Children and Victims...
Read More

Health Disparities

HB 855 brough greater transparency to Florida’s Medicaid program. This law ensures that our tax dollars are spent...
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Drainage improvements

Robin secured almost $1 million for a new pump station in Pembroke Pines...
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Unlawful Dumping

I served as the prime co-sponsor for CS/CS/HB 1367,  This new law prohibits a person from dumping litter in or on any water control district property or canal right-of-way. This law will keep our vital waterways clean and beautiful in a state where water is a precious resource (passed in 2023)

Miya's Law

This bill was named in honor of Miya Marcano, a 19-year-old college student who was killed in her Orlando apartment.
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Flood Control

After Tropical Storm Eta and the flooding that occurred in our community, I met with SFWMD and the SBDD...
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Statewide Flooding & Sea Level Rise Resilience

Tropical Storm Eta flooded our district and inundated our water management...
Read More

Serena's Law

Representative Persons-Mulicka (R) of Fort Myers and I introduced House Bill 1229 to protect children.
Read More

Florida KidCare Eligibility 

Many working families in Florida are struggling every day to put a roof over their heads, pay for childcare...
Read More

Pre-K Retention

CS/SB 290, Public School Student Progression for Students with Disabilities, came about after I met with...
Read More

Florida Retirement System

The Florida Retirement System (FRS) is a multiple-employer, contributory plan...
Read More

Unlawful Dumping

This new law prohibits a person from dumping litter in or on any water control district property or canal right-of-way. 
Read More

Lights on the display of a fire dept. 463

Every first responder deserves to come home safely to their families at the end...
Read More

Mobile Response Teams

SB 7016 was signed into law and is designed to bolster Florida’s healthcare workforce, increase access to care...
Read More

Lethality Assessments for Domestic Violance Victims

The Protection of Children and Victims...
Read More

Health Disparities

HB 855 brough greater transparency to Florida’s Medicaid program. This law ensures that our tax dollars are spent...
Read More

Drainage improvements

Robin secured almost $1 million for a new pump station in Pembroke Pines...
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Lights on the Display of a Fire Dept. 463

Every first responder deserves to come home safely to their families at the end of their shifts.  I sponsored HB 463 to provide additional safety measures to protect our first responders.  National studies show that red lights are more visible during the day and blue lights are visible at night. Twenty-eight states allow fire departments to use blue lights as an additional safety measure. This law passed in 2024 now allows fire trucks to utilize blue lights on the rear of their engines in Florida. 

Miya's Law

This bill was named in honor of Miya Marcano, a 19-year-old college student who was killed in her Orlando apartment.
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Flood Control

After Tropical Storm Eta and the flooding that occurred in our community, I met with SFWMD and the SBDD...
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Statewide Flooding & Sea Level Rise Resilience

Tropical Storm Eta flooded our district and inundated our water management...
Read More

Serena's Law

Representative Persons-Mulicka (R) of Fort Myers and I introduced House Bill 1229 to protect children.
Read More

Florida KidCare Eligibility 

Many working families in Florida are struggling every day to put a roof over their heads, pay for childcare...
Read More

Pre-K Retention

CS/SB 290, Public School Student Progression for Students with Disabilities, came about after I met with...
Read More

Florida Retirement System

The Florida Retirement System (FRS) is a multiple-employer, contributory plan...
Read More

Unlawful Dumping

This new law prohibits a person from dumping litter in or on any water control district property or canal right-of-way. 
Read More

Lights on the display of a fire dept. 463

Every first responder deserves to come home safely to their families at the end...
Read More

Mobile Response Teams

SB 7016 was signed into law and is designed to bolster Florida’s healthcare workforce, increase access to care...
Read More

Lethality Assessments for Domestic Violance Victims

The Protection of Children and Victims...
Read More

Health Disparities

HB 855 brough greater transparency to Florida’s Medicaid program. This law ensures that our tax dollars are spent...
Read More

Drainage improvements

Robin secured almost $1 million for a new pump station in Pembroke Pines...
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Mobile Response Teams

SB 7016 was signed into law and is designed to bolster Florida’s healthcare workforce, increase access to care, and foster innovation in healthcare delivery. Within the bill, there is language from my sponsored bill HB 205 — Community-based Mobile Crisis Intervention Services. Mobile Response Teams (MRTs) are designed to provide 24/7 emergency behavioral healthcare to those in crisis. This law passed in 2024 will draw down additional dollars to expand the number of teams and I believe this will help those in crisis access the services they need.

Miya's Law

This bill was named in honor of Miya Marcano, a 19-year-old college student who was killed in her Orlando apartment.
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Flood Control

After Tropical Storm Eta and the flooding that occurred in our community, I met with SFWMD and the SBDD...
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Statewide Flooding & Sea Level Rise Resilience

Tropical Storm Eta flooded our district and inundated our water management...
Read More

Serena's Law

Representative Persons-Mulicka (R) of Fort Myers and I introduced House Bill 1229 to protect children.
Read More

Florida KidCare Eligibility 

Many working families in Florida are struggling every day to put a roof over their heads, pay for childcare...
Read More

Pre-K Retention

CS/SB 290, Public School Student Progression for Students with Disabilities, came about after I met with...
Read More

Florida Retirement System

The Florida Retirement System (FRS) is a multiple-employer, contributory plan...
Read More

Unlawful Dumping

This new law prohibits a person from dumping litter in or on any water control district property or canal right-of-way. 
Read More

Lights on the display of a fire dept. 463

Every first responder deserves to come home safely to their families at the end...
Read More

Mobile Response Teams

SB 7016 was signed into law and is designed to bolster Florida’s healthcare workforce, increase access to care...
Read More

Lethality Assessments for Domestic Violance Victims

The Protection of Children and Victims...
Read More

Health Disparities

HB 855 brough greater transparency to Florida’s Medicaid program. This law ensures that our tax dollars are spent...
Read More

Drainage improvements

Robin secured almost $1 million for a new pump station in Pembroke Pines...
Read More

Lethality Assessments for Domestic Violance Victims

This Session the Legislature passed SB 1224 and was signed into law — Protection of Children and Victims of Crime, which includes the language from my prime co-sponsored bill, HB 729 — Lethality Assessments. The lethality assessment section draws inspiration from the tragic story of Gabby Petito, a domestic violence victim who was murdered by her fiancé . It mandates the use of lethality assessments, an evidence-based tool, by law enforcement officers when responding to incidents of domestic violence in an effort to protect the victim and link him or her to resource

Miya's Law

This bill was named in honor of Miya Marcano, a 19-year-old college student who was killed in her Orlando apartment.
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Flood Control

After Tropical Storm Eta and the flooding that occurred in our community, I met with SFWMD and the SBDD...
Read More

Statewide Flooding & Sea Level Rise Resilience

Tropical Storm Eta flooded our district and inundated our water management...
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Serena's Law

Representative Persons-Mulicka (R) of Fort Myers and I introduced House Bill 1229 to protect children.
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Florida KidCare Eligibility 

Many working families in Florida are struggling every day to put a roof over their heads, pay for childcare...
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Pre-K Retention

CS/SB 290, Public School Student Progression for Students with Disabilities, came about after I met with...
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Florida Retirement System

The Florida Retirement System (FRS) is a multiple-employer, contributory plan...
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Unlawful Dumping

This new law prohibits a person from dumping litter in or on any water control district property or canal right-of-way. 
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Lights on the display of a fire dept. 463

Every first responder deserves to come home safely to their families at the end...
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Mobile Response Teams

SB 7016 was signed into law and is designed to bolster Florida’s healthcare workforce, increase access to care...
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Lethality Assessments for Domestic Violance Victims

The Protection of Children and Victims...
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Health Disparities

HB 855 brough greater transparency to Florida’s Medicaid program. This law ensures that our tax dollars are spent...
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Drainage improvements

Robin secured almost $1 million for a new pump station in Pembroke Pines...
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Drainage Improvements Projects 

Robin secured almost $1 million for a new pump station in Pembroke Pines to help alleviate flooding and brought home dollars to purchase mobile storm water pumps to be used by the South Broward Drainage District in flooding emergencies.
  • $2,000,000 to reevaluate and study South Florida’s aging Flood System for future improvements
  • A combined $1,671,894 for 3 Southwest Ranches Drainage Improvement Projects

Political advertisement paid for and approved by Robin Bartleman, Democrat, for State Representative, District 103